Nothing makes my heart happier than watching my children enjoying each other.
My inspiration for this record of my days:
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Monday, January 23, 2012
A very merry un-birthday
I have had a little bit of guilt about having given birth to Caleb so close to Thanksgiving. I worried that he would somehow feel less special with his birthday festivities crammed in between all the other holiday hoopla.
This year as fall was approaching he said “I love this time of year! Halloween, Thanksgiving, my birthday, Christmas…” That set my fears to rest. His birthday helps to make the holiday season even better!
Still, it seems that my birthday post for him always comes very late, and this year is no exception.
It was a simple celebration. Friend parties are only for even years, and Caleb turned 11. He really feels like he’s growing up right now. I can’t believe that next year he’ll be passing the sacrament!
Some things I love about Caleb:
He loves adventure. He’s so excited to be in 11 year old scouts because that means overnight campouts!
He says he doesn’t like school, but his test scores reveal that he can’t help it… he’s really smart!
He’s independent. He likes to do things his way, and generally feels like he knows best. Right now that creates an occasional power struggle at home, but as he learns to tame that independence with a little bit of teachable-ness, I think it’s a quality that will help him to be really successful.
He tells me he loves me whenever he’s leaving or going to bed.
He’s a good helper. I find myself relying on him more and more as he gets older and more capable. He reminds me a lot of his dad in that way.
He’s good with baby Eli. It’s so heartwarming to see my “big boy” taking care of my little boy.
He’s handsome! I may be a biased mom, but I think he is one good looking kid!
Happy late birthday Caleb! I sure love you!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
A thought
I had a thought today. (This is where my dad would make a joke about how proud he is that I actually had a thought. Good one, Dad!)
Anyway… my thought came as a sort of addendum to my resolution.
This morning I was praying that Heavenly Father would help me as I try to prioritize all of the things that needed to be done today. The thought came to me that I should also pray that I would be happy with my choices, so I did.
All day that idea was on my mind. I realized that usually, I pick what I consider to be the most important, but then I beat myself up over all of the things that didn’t make it on to my priority list. There are always so many things left undone that I have plenty to feel bad about.
But today, as I made conscious decisions based on priorities, I chose to just be happy with my choices.
This morning I spent my few free minutes talking to my sister on the phone instead of putting on make-up.
I chose to go grocery shopping instead of taking Simon to the park for the neighborhood play date. And honestly, I think he had just as much fun riding on the end of the shopping cart as he would have had at the park.
I spent an hour finishing the book club book (a day late, I might add) instead of cleaning a pretty messy house.
I watered my new cherry trees and pushed Simon on the swing when I should have been making dinner. Josh said “I actually like the nights when we get to eat whatever we want.”
Yes, there were some good things that got put off. They’ll make it onto the list eventually. But I feel good about the things that I chose. And that always makes for a good day!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
A rotten birthday boy
Have you ever heard of the “birthday party syndrome?” That’s what my mom calls it when a kid has too much fun in one day, and ends up cranky and miserable.
I’m afraid that’s how Simon’s birthday was this year. He woke up cheerful enough, and everyone was making a big deal of his special day. Spoiling him by being super accommodating and helpful. Apparently it was more than he could take. After a couple hours of special treatment he was ruined!
He threw fits about every single thing that happened, and kept changing his mind about what he wanted. He dumped a pack of graham crackers on the floor and ground them up with his feet. He stuck his foot (with shoes) in Eli’s car seat and kicked him in the head. I’m not saying that he is an angel on a regular day, but this much naughtiness was not normal for him!
In spite of his rotten-ness, we had a nice little party for him with aunts, uncles, cousins and siblings.
His presents were some balloons, Toy Story figurines, also known as “guys,” and a Cars Playdough set.
Here are some things I want to remember about Simon at this age:
He LOVES to give (or blow, if needs be) hugs and kisses to anyone leaving the house. It’s so cute and sweet, until a sibling leaves without saying the proper good-byes, and Simon throws a screaming fit for 10 minutes!
Favorite movies: All three Toy Stories, Cars, Goofy, Bugs Life
He’s been potty trained for a year, but he still can’t get on or off of the toilet by himself. I usually just have him go outside, which he can do by himself. When he’s done, he almost always puts his “big boys” on backwards and/or inside out.
He likes to “read” in his bed at night, just like all the big kids.
He’s my little buddy. He likes to go everywhere with me and stays close to my side. The only place he’s really willing to go without me is Kate Housley’s house.
Whenever he’s going to play with a friend, he likes to take fruit snacks to share.
He’s not afraid to try any new food. If he doesn’t like it, he’ll just spit it out and try something else.
He’s good about cleaning up after himself. If he needs a bribe for an especially hard job, a sticker is great motivation.
I sure do love having him around!
Happy Birthday Simon!
Monday, January 9, 2012
A New Resolution
One week into the new year, and I’ve already had to change my New Year’s resolution. Not a good omen?
Last year my resolution was One Thing at a Time. I had in mind getting lots of projects accomplished, checking them off my list one at a time.
Instead, I did this:
It was hard work, and it took all year, but I feel pretty good about the finished project. I feel like I accomplished my goal. It was just very different from the way I had envisioned!
After 9 months of pregnancy and 3 months of doing nothing but sitting in my chair holding a sweet little newborn, the new year felt exciting for me. I was ready to get up and take 2012 by storm!
The resolution I decided on was Make a Plan. I was going to get organized, plan out my schedule, and start getting some things done around here!
That’s just what I did last Sunday. I made a great plan, including all my carpools, meal plans, shopping trips, etc.
That night, Elijah had a cold. His little nose was too stuffy to sleep horizontally. So for the next couple of nights I held him in the recliner while he slept. During the days I held him in the other rocking chair so I could give orders to the kids coming and going. I was exhausted and completely pinned down. Needless to say, I didn’t accomplish any of my carefully laid plans.
I figured out pretty quickly that my resolution needed to be modified. Here is my new version:
Prioritizing wisely will still require some serious planning, but it will also require lots and lots of flexibility. There is never enough time to squeeze in all the things I would like to do. If I’m not careful, I could run around all day like a chicken with my head cut off, and never get around to the things that are the most important.
At the end of the day, I want each of my children (and Jeff too!) to feel loved and important. I want to have really listened to them, so I know how to meet their needs. I want to make sure I’m teaching them the skills and principles they need live happy successful lives. I want to take every opportunity to let them see that I love my Savior, and that I’m trying to follow Him.
And somehow, in between teaching moments, I need to squeeze in meals and homework and scouts and piano and sports and… the list goes on indefinitely.
So the challenge for 2012 will be to prioritize. For several more months, holding a baby will be high up on my list, and I don’t want to forget to enjoy every minute of it. Cleaning and gardening and painting will still be waiting for me when the most important things are all done.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
The day after Christmas we went up to the cabin to play in the snow.
It was the PERFECT snow for a snowman!
They rolled and packed, scraped and patted. Jeff and Uncle Tommy worked together to get the gigantic snowballs stacked on top of each other, and then they shaped and molded some more.
Some took breaks for eating snow, or throwing it at each other.
The girls accessorized him, and even gave him “the smolder.”
He turned out to be quite the ladies man. And boy were the girls mad when Uncle Ryan pulled out his air soft gun to “decorate” him!
I spent a little time with Simon outside sledding, but most of the time was spent cozy in the cabin with the little ones.
The kids all came in for a lunch and hot chocolate break, but then went right back out. What a perfect snow day!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Christmas Eve
Not to be confused with “Christmas Adam",” which is the name my kids have given to the day before Christmas Eve. I had told my kids that I wanted peace on earth, or at least in the Davis house, for Christmas. On Christmas Eve they gave me my wish! We squeezed in a whole bunch of fun, and enjoyed each other all day!
We started off with breakfast at Golden Corral – a family favorite!
Then came ice skating.
Our friend Anya came with us, and was so helpful with the kids! She helped Jonah until he got good enough to skate all by himself!
After a short nap we all helped to prepare our “fancy” Christmas eve dinner. We used the nice china that we got for our wedding, and had ham, rolls, mashed potatoes, steamed veggies, and sparkling cider. I’m sad that we forgot to take a picture of the beautiful table!
Next came our quality Nativity play.
Simon took his roll as a shepherd very seriously, and baby Jesus had a super modern manger!
After the play, everyone opened their new ornaments. We set out the reindeer food on the front porch, and cookies for Santa on the special plate.
The kids all made beds in Jonah and Simons room, and we make sure they had an alarm clock. Christmas morning was not allowed to begin until 5:30!
I sang carols to help calm everyone down. The last one has to be Mary’s Lullaby, just like my mom used to sing. Sweet dreams my children!